Paradigma Software announces that Valentina Release 5.6 is now available for download. If your software license began after October 16, 2013, the update is free. Continue reading Valentina 5.6 Released; New Feature Hash Indexes
Tag: 5.6
v5.6 Builds Index of String/VarChar field in 10-15 times faster!
Bench Description
Prepare Steps
- We have table T1 with field String[120] or VarChar.
- We add 1 million records with unique values using METHOD( ‘concat( rand_string(80), RecID’ ) )
So we get table with one only field, 1 millions records, values are about 80-90 chars length.
- Build index for this field.
Continue reading v5.6 Builds Index of String/VarChar field in 10-15 times faster!
New Docs Section – Valentina DB Indexes
We have re-write from scratch section about Valentina DB Indexes. You can read it here.