[TIP] Protection from SQL Injection Attack.

This tip is expired by article two-steps-forward-to-more-secure-applications. The First part of the article discusses  SQL Injection Attack and how to develop code protected from it.

After read of the article you will know that to easy way for protection – is usage of SQL binding. Wow? One more reason to ALWAYS use SQL binding!  Other well known reason are

  • reduces CPU time as for client so for server, because no string concatenations on the client side, and less job for parser on the server side.
  • enables usage of Query Pool, because SQL command is the same byte to byte.

REAL SQL Server To Leave REAL; Time to Switch to Valentina

I was not entirely surprised to read on the REALbasic NUG that REAL SQL Server would no longer  be a REAL Software product but would go back to its original developer, SQLabs. Even with the bundling options available with REALbasic, a database product that cannot differentiate itself cannot survive. Now there is even a special offer for disenfranchised REAL SQL Server users until October 10, 2010. Continue reading REAL SQL Server To Leave REAL; Time to Switch to Valentina

[NEW][API] Valentina.CopyCursorToNewTable()

We introduce a new utility method Valentina.CopyCursorToNewTable(), which is able to save you hundreds of lines of advanced code in your ADK-based applications. This method added into major Valentina ADKs.

You can read detailed description of this new method here.

Welcome VistaDB .net Developers to Valentina DB

We recently heard that the company that owns VistaDB, a .net focused database system, has closed their office in Florida and looking for ways to sell off their database product. Paradigma Software invites VistaDB developers to give Valentina DB ADK.net a try – along with a 50% discount if purchased before September 1, 2010.

All you have to do if you are a VistaDB user is to order Valentina DB ADK for .net before September 1, 2010, and insert “VistaDB: YOUR SERIAL CODE” into the customer notes field to save 50% – get this ADK for only $99.95.

[IMPROVE] FTP Folders for Valentina Products (32/64/OS)

Since we have constantly growing number of Valentina products, supported OS and now 64-bit versions, we have got quite big number of files for single folder.

From now we will change organization of a release folder. It will contains sub-folders

  • lin32
  • lin64
  • mac32
  • mac64
  • win32
  • win64

So you can easy locate sub-set of products required for your OS and Bits.

[NEW] 64-bit ADK added to MAC OS X: C++, Cocoa, PHP

We introduce our first 64-bit ADKs for MAC OS X:

  • Valentina for C++ (VSDK)
  • Valentina for  Cocoa (V4CC)
  • Valentina for  PHP Standalone (VPHP)

It is clear that we cannot make V4RB, V4REV and such to be 64-bits because their IDEs do not support this.

Next our step in this direction, will be introduction of 64 bit ADKs for Windows, VSDK, VNET, …