VStudio now can show warnings from operation

Valentina Engine far ago produce warnings in the ‘Warning.log’ for Import of Text operation. For example, record is not added if the primary key is not unique.

This warning.log is created near to application. And if this is a remote Valentina Server then user of Valentina Studio cannot easy see that warnings. Now this is improved. In Valentina engine, in Valentina Server and in Valentina Studio. Snapshot below demonstrate this.

VStudio – QueryBuilder make up and improvements

In 5.0b30 we have return back QueryBulder after few months.

* new – it works now for all supported engines: Valentina, PostgreSQL, mySQL, SQLite.

* new – we have simplify interface removing few visible areas, replacing them on TAB panels. Note that you can switch by main panels using such shortcuts as cmd+1 and cmd+2.

* new – you can specify expressions to be used in the SELECT clause.

* note that you can specify inner and left/right/full outer joins using right-click on a link on the diagram.

* note that if you will click SQL panel and then continue develop diagramm then you will see live changes in the generated SQL.


We have added a new SQL command that works with VServer only to show tail of VServer.log file. (5.0b30)

TODO Valentina Studio now have a special panel where user can easy see this log using new command.

All together this simplify a lots work with remote VServer, especially if you do not have SSH access to its file system.

[NEW] VServer + VStudio now can show NOT registered dbs

We have extend SHOW DATABASES command to show also not registered databases located in the VServer/databases folder. To implement this VServer now is able iterate this folder to see files with .vdb extension.

Valentina Studio now take this in attention and show such not registered databases with a special icon. Also you get contextual menu with command “Register database”.

Refresh button of VStudio is able issue SHOW DATABASE command to check folder for new files if needed.

vClient becomes thread-safe (!)

Now you should not synch vClient API calls  – vClient do it self and you are free to access and operates with vClient’s remote objects from different threads similiangly.

In particular, vStudio operates with remote connections via multiple threads  and it was a source of some glitches and unexpected errors especially with a long queries.  Now there are no more errors like “EOF reached…” or “Broken packet received…” which were result of incorrect thread synch.

NEW Left Side Bar in Schema Editor of Valentina Studio

We have added the left side bar into Schema Editor.

It looks similar to what have OS X Finder and Windows 7. This sidebar allows you easy jump to the most common and/or recent places of your job. For example, you can by single click open recent database or connection or your bookmark to a Valentina Server. Your login and password can be stored, so no need to retype them each time.

Continue reading NEW Left Side Bar in Schema Editor of Valentina Studio

SqlEditor Improvements

SqlEditor becomes better. Added

* highlight of line with error;
* logs panel works better;
* tooltips that show info about Schema Object;
* code-folding, great when you type procedure or trigger;
* autocompletion menu has icons;
* if TAB panel is not visible, then buttons to execute queries and such, are shown in the sub-panel, so we can still use them.

Two new Video Tutorials about ODBC datasource setup.

We have add 2 news video tutorials EN. One for MAC and one for WIN about how to setup ODBC datasource around Valentina ODBC driver.


These lessons can be helpful to setup ODBC data source for other dbs also, e.g. MySQL or MS Access, if you want import from then into Valentina using
Valentina Studio ODBC data import.

And lesson about this import from ODBC is our next lesson, which is in the work.