[NEW] VServer + VStudio now can show NOT registered dbs

We have extend SHOW DATABASES command to show also not registered databases located in the VServer/databases folder. To implement this VServer now is able iterate this folder to see files with .vdb extension.

Valentina Studio now take this in attention and show such not registered databases with a special icon. Also you get contextual menu with command “Register database”.

Refresh button of VStudio is able issue SHOW DATABASE command to check folder for new files if needed.

Couple of Movies about Diagrams and Links

Here we show couple of few-seconds movies that demonstrate how you can establish links between tables using new diagrams of Valentina Studio Pro.

For Valentina database you can establish Foreign Key, ObjectPtr and Binary Link. For SQLite and Postgre only Foreign Key.

  1. Establish Link
  2. Shows how you get access to “Add Link” button and then to panel, which allows you to choose link type for the left and right table.

  3. Establish MM link
  4. Shows how you can establish by few mouse clicks MM link between two tables, and how this automatically creates third MM table and FK fields in original table(s).

[NEW] Valentina Reports 5.0 Support mySQL Datasource

We are glad to inform you, that we already have working Valentina Reports engine with datasource from mySQL.

We have use one of BSD clients compatible with mySQL Server. This resolve any issues related with GPL-license of mySQL native drivers.

Please note, that this mySQL datasource for now works only for Valentina Reports ADK, but not in Valentina Studio – Report Editor. To prepare reports in the GUI Editor you need to use Valentina or Postgre or SQLite database with the same tables. But do not worry, in about 1.5-2 months we will introduce 5.x version of Valentina Studio, with full-featured mySQL plugin also.

Right now, you can make dump of schema of mySQL database, and load that dump into local Valentina DB, then use it as test-db to design report(s). Later, from ADK application, just specify mySQL datasource against this report(s). For mySQL you should use connection string of kind

theReport = my_project.MakeNewReport(
        "mysql://host=, user=admin, passw=admin",
        "SELECT fldName, fldPhone FROM tblPerson" )

VStudio 5.0 Introduces Diagram Editing for Teams

Valentina Studio saves diagrams right into the database, even while working remotely with Valentina Server and PostgreSQL server. Since teams of developers can work on a server at the same time, how do you manage diagrams? Valentina 5 implements locks of diagrams and lock management through Valentina Studio.

For example, if user1 opens a diagram to edit. Then, user2 tries to open it. User2 will get the following dialog with the choice to open diagram in the read-only or exclusive mode.

VStudio 5.0 Shows Own Collator Properties in Bold

Valentina DB maybe the only database engine which gives you ability to specify collator properties of the  Database->Table->Field chain using inheritance.

For example, you can specify Collator.strength = kPrimary for Database object, and all its tables and their fields also will get the same value.

Even better. You can specify another value for some table or field, e.g. tblPersonFrench.Collator.strength = kSecondary, which overrides settings of parent object. If later you decide to change Database.Collator.strength to e.g. kTertiary, then all tables except tblPersonFrench inherit this new value. But tblPersonFrench will preserve  its own value kSecondary. And finally, you may want drop this own value of object to force it to use parent’s value.

From now (v5.0) Valentina Studio is able:

  • to display the fact that some property of collator of an object (database/table/field) has own value, in BOLD STYLE
  • to force an object to use parent settings using a contextual menu command
Below you can see some pictures that demonstrate this feature.

VStudio Pro 3 in 1 (ValentinaDB + PostgreSQL + SQLite) Data Editor

The following picture shows how you can use power of Valentina Studio Data Editor, to manage records of a Table without SQL.

You can add/delete/update records and values of fields. You can filter records applying filter.

You can even use Related Table Editor (bottom side) that displays records of related table (linked by Foreign Key). It is enough click record of the top table, and bottom table shows you related records.

Even more. You can just by mouse click link/unlink records. In background FK gets value of PK of parent record. But for you this looks as easy as mouse click.

Even more. You can apply set commands to find union/intersection or difference of sets of related records for few parent records. Couple of mouse clicks and you see result of quite complex SQL operation, which even SQL expert will write in few minutes only …


[NEW] VStudio Pro – SQL DIFF for Valentina, PostgreSQL and SQLite.

Valentina Studio Pro 5.0 going to get great new built-in feature: SQL Diff . This feature allows to open two databases and find difference between them and produce SQL script to resolve this difference.

Today our developer have plug all 3 databases (Valentina, PostgreSQL, SQLite) into SQL Diff and made tests. All 3 databases works as expected.

This is cool to have this feature right in the Valentina Studio, because then no need to purchase separate SQL Diff tools, which self might cost $100-400.

Below you can see few snapshots how looks SQL Diff wizard and SQL Diff Result page.

Continue reading [NEW] VStudio Pro – SQL DIFF for Valentina, PostgreSQL and SQLite.

VStudio:Report Editor – Now works with PostgreSQL as Datasource.

Valentina Studio Pro’s Report Editor now works using a PostgreSQL database specified as datasource! If have some Postgre database, connect to it and start design new report using data of that database. You can instantly preview your data right within Valentina Studio Pro. Reports are saved into a project format so you can reuse them at any time.

You can already use design reports this way from data from any Valentina DB ADK (REALbasic, Revolution, Cocoa, NET, PHP, … ). You can see few snapshots below.

Support for PostgreSQL will be included in Valentina Studio 5.0b1 – coming real soon. Valentina Reports will be able to work with local Valentina databases, Valentina Server hosted databases, local SQLite and now with PostgreSQL server.

Continue reading VStudio:Report Editor – Now works with PostgreSQL as Datasource.

Valentina Reports get ODBC-datasource!

Valentina Reports now support ODBC datasource!

This is great, because now Valentina Reports can work with data stored practically in any database format (MS Access, MS SQL, Oracle, Postgre SQL, mySQL, … ) and even XML.

In Valentina Studio improved datasource dialog to support ODBC.

In a Valentina ADK code, you should specify connection string in the VProject.MakeNewReport( inDataSource ), as the following: odbc://dsn=access,user=name,pass=123

Will be available in the 4.9b5 build or newer.

[VReports][NEW] Improved HTML, Picture Controls

On users request we have made the next major improvements in Valentina Reports:

  • HTML Control now can get HTML text/content from:
    • TEXT typed directly in the control
    • FIELD of cursor
    • by URL from a FIELD of cursor
    • URL (local or remote)
  • Picture Control now can get a picture from:
    • FIELD of cursor
    • URL from a field of cursor
    • URL (local or remote)
  • HTML text can contain a macro $() to, for example, refer another field

You can see details on the following pictures.

Continue reading [VReports][NEW] Improved HTML, Picture Controls