[NEW][MAC] VStudio.app and installer of VServer_x64 now are signed

OS X 10.8 has option “System Settings -> Security -> General -> Allow: MAS App Store and identified developers”  on default to be ON, so you cannot installed easy not signed applications and run installers. Note that 10.7 also can have this option enabled on some computers.

To resolve this issue, we have sign vstudio.app and vserver_x64.pkg installer.

Unfortunately we cannot easy sign other our installers (V4RB, V4REV, V4CC, … ) because we using third party installer.  So for now, for 5.0, we going to ship these installers not signed. To run them, OS X developer should in the Finder do CTRL + click on icon of installer and choose OPEN command in the contextual menu. In this case you will see the button ALLOW in the OS X security dialog. Click it, and continue as usual.

[NEW] VStudio now is able to send a crash log file to Valentina team

In a case of crash, Valentina Studio on linux and windows now is able  to create text file that contains crash log  information (stack of calls, loaded DLLs, … ). MAC OS X version of VStudio have no need to do this because OS X itself generates such crash log.

On the next start Valentina Studio will show dialog with suggestion to send this crash log to Valentina-db.com. Please note, this crash log contains totally anonymous information. This information will help to Valentina team to see that there was fact of crash, and where exactly was crash.  You can set check box to not show this dialog future and just send a crash report automatically if it is found.

On Windows and Linux, after sending of crash log file, it is deleted from disk of your computer. On OS X it is not deleted, because OS X append them  into single file per application.

Now we have v4 and v5 WIKIs

Now we have two separate wikis to keep docs of v4 and v5:

Valentina Studio v5 will to v5 section, vstudio v6 will point to v5 section, and so on.
Old url http://www.valentina-db.com/dokuwiki  will point to the docs of the current official release.

[NEW] VStudio – Check Updates

We have add into Valentina Studio feature “Check Updates”. Only Mac App Store version will not have it, because AppStore itself take care about updates.

On start Valentina Studio will send a GET query to valentina-db site. This will happens in separate thread to not delay user in the case of network trouble.

You will be able enable/disable this feature in prefs panel, also you can specify if report about beta builds of vstudio.

I want note, that in this GET query we also will send some anonymous information such as:

  • OS on which works studio
  • version of studio
  • 32 or 64 bit architecture
  • MD5 hash of MAC address of the computer.
We going to use this hash as anonymous identifier of some computer where vstudio is started. So we will be able, to see that e.g. 30% of users start vstudio  each day, 10% once per week … may be something else …
Future we going add yet automatic sending of crash log if any. Again such anonymous identifier will allow us link that crash logs together in our database.
Also we thinking about adding into Valentina Studo of integration to our Mantis bug tracker, so user can report issue or make a feature request right from vstudio.

[new] VSERVER as HTTP Server + Admin based on Valentina Reports

Few years ago we have added into Valentina Server HTTP port, so it have:

  • normal port
  • SSL port
  • HTTP port
  • SNMP port
We added this HTTP port to be able do the next step — implementing admin built-in right into VServer. So user can access from any browser this admin by HTTP. We see  the following advantages of  this:
  • it is enough install server on you mac/win/linux computer and this admin will be available immediately, without need in Apache/PHP/else.
  • this admin will allow to manage vserver from platforms where not exists VStudio or iValentina. For example Android users will be able manage VServer.
Such admin of vserver we was going implement on C++ of course.
But some time ago we have got idea to use Valentina Reports for this, which could do HTTP generation from report. We have spend some time to make couple of prototypes of this idea. And while we did them, we have already made few improvements in our Reports to support this. The most important  are:

[Imp] VReports few improvements

Thanks to Matthew Gardner, we have made few improvements in Valentina Reports engine:

  • Header section fixed to work with data from cursor.
  • Expression control that produce text, now respect FORMAT field, such as currency or date. For this engine try convert string into a number, and on success apply formatting.
  • System Color Dialog is used now for all places.

[NEW] VStudio + iValentina now sync bookmarks using iCloud

We have made first step to support iCloud technology from Apple.

Now Valentina Studio for MAC OS X (and only one, which is download from MacAppStore) will have iCloud prefs pane, that allows you to specify what to synch in the iCloud. For now this is bookmarks and resent connections to db servers.

Continue reading [NEW] VStudio + iValentina now sync bookmarks using iCloud

Valentina Studio gets redesigned Server Admin tool

This tool now can work with Valentina Server, PostgreSQL and mySQL.

This is the central place where you can:

  • manage databases: create, drop; register/unregister, …
  • manage valentina projects: create/drop, register/unregister, …
  • manage users, groups and roles
  • view server-side log files
  • view and edit ini-file parameters of a server

[NEW] Valentina Studio – Postgre plugin – now can dump/load using pg_dump engine

We was able embed into Valentina Studio plugin the pg_dump engine to dump a database into different formats of text files  and load these text files back into database.

You can access these dump/load commands from the File menu of Valentina Studio application or from the contextual menu of a database object.

Continue reading [NEW] Valentina Studio – Postgre plugin – now can dump/load using pg_dump engine

VStudio now can show warnings from operation

Valentina Engine far ago produce warnings in the ‘Warning.log’ for Import of Text operation. For example, record is not added if the primary key is not unique.

This warning.log is created near to application. And if this is a remote Valentina Server then user of Valentina Studio cannot easy see that warnings. Now this is improved. In Valentina engine, in Valentina Server and in Valentina Studio. Snapshot below demonstrate this.

VStudio – QueryBuilder make up and improvements

In 5.0b30 we have return back QueryBulder after few months.

* new – it works now for all supported engines: Valentina, PostgreSQL, mySQL, SQLite.

* new – we have simplify interface removing few visible areas, replacing them on TAB panels. Note that you can switch by main panels using such shortcuts as cmd+1 and cmd+2.

* new – you can specify expressions to be used in the SELECT clause.

* note that you can specify inner and left/right/full outer joins using right-click on a link on the diagram.

* note that if you will click SQL panel and then continue develop diagramm then you will see live changes in the generated SQL.


We have added a new SQL command that works with VServer only to show tail of VServer.log file. (5.0b30)

TODO Valentina Studio now have a special panel where user can easy see this log using new command.

All together this simplify a lots work with remote VServer, especially if you do not have SSH access to its file system.