Taylor Ren over at Sitepoint gives Valentina Studio, Valentina DB and Valentina Reports a look over. His report primarily touches on Valentina Studio (for Linux) but also in context with MySQL. Check it out, and feel free to comment on your experiences – Taylor is very engaging with his readers.
Category: Valentina Studio Pro
[NEW] Valentina Reports adds Oracle as Datasource
We almost forgot when talking about MS SQL Server support that Valentina Reports can also use Oracle Database Server as a datasource. You can do this on all three supported operating systems with Valentina Reports ADK 5.5, with a little help from Valentina Studio Pro. And you don’t need Java or expensive solutions like Crystal Reports, Actuate or Oracle’s BI Publisher.
Consider also that there’s a Valentina Reports ADK for every major development environment – .net, Objective-C, C++, even COM, and RAD tools like LiveCode, Xojo or even…unbelievably…Adobe Director!
Right now you can…
- Download Valentina Studio to do the following steps…
- Make a new Valentina Project (from File Menu) on your desktop
- Make a new datasource — define to your Oracle server
- Make a new Report – can be with simple query as SELECT * FROM T, do click, click, click in the wizard to get default layout of fields.
- Click PREVIEW button on the left to see report with data from your Oracle Server.
To start use this new datasource in your application you need just to specify a corresponded string that describes datasource connection string. See details.
Video: How to Install Free Valentina Server and Valentina Studio on Windows
How about a step-by-step walk thru of installing the FREE Valentina Server and FREE Valentina Studio on Windows? With this step-by-step video walk thru, you will learn how to do this, as well as set up a client-server test system on your local computer.
Valentina Server incorporates both the ultra-fast Valentina DB database system and Valentina Reports Server. Valentina Reports supports all major databases on the market, though in this tutorial we will be focusing on the basics of setting up a Valentina database.
Continue reading Video: How to Install Free Valentina Server and Valentina Studio on Windows
Video: How to Generate Valentina Reports from a Xojo Web Application
Get started with a step-by-step walk thru on how to set up and generate reports using Valentina Reports and the Xojo web application.
Valentina Reports ADK for Xojo lets you embed a complete reports system into your business applications made with Xojo; however more powerful than this is generating reports from Valentina Server, the ultra-fast solution from Paradigma Software, and then displaying them from a Xojo Web application. Continue reading Video: How to Generate Valentina Reports from a Xojo Web Application
Video: How to Download and Install Valentina ADK for Xojo/REALbasic on Mac OS X
How about a step-by-step walk thru of installing Valentina ADK for Xojo / REALbasic ? With this step-by-step video walk thru, you will learn how to do this, as well as set up your Xojo development environment for database development with the most advanced database for Xojo development and work with remote databases on Valentina Server.
Valentina ADK for Xojo / REALbasic download files include both Valentina DB ADK and Valentina Reports ADK. Valentina DB ADK for Xojo lets you embed the ultra-fast, royalty free Valentina Database into your applications. Valentina Reports ADK lets you embed cross-platform reports in your business applications with support for grids, tables, charts, graphs and more. Continue reading Video: How to Download and Install Valentina ADK for Xojo/REALbasic on Mac OS X
Video: How to Install Free Valentina Server and Valentina Studio on Mac OS X
How about a step-by-step walk thru of installing the FREE Valentina Server and FREE Valentina Studio on Mac OS X? With this step-by-step video walk thru, you will learn how to do this, as well as set up a client-server test system on your local computer.
Valentina Server incorporates both the ultra-fast Valentina DB database system and Valentina Reports Server. Valentina Reports supports all major databases on the market, though in this tutorial we will be focusing on the basics of setting up a Valentina database.
Continue reading Video: How to Install Free Valentina Server and Valentina Studio on Mac OS X
[NEW] Valentina Reports adds MS SQL as Datasource
It isn’t often we add a new database type, but this is one we’ve had a lot of requests for – MS SQL Server.
Today this happens! Valentina Reports starting from 5.5b15 can use MS SQL server as native datasource. Notice, that this works on all 3 OS: Windows + Mac OS X + Linux.
If you use MS SQL and you want to test it, you can download it here for all OS:
Right now you can…
- Download Valentina Studio to do the following steps…
- Make a new Valentina Project (from File Menu) on your desktop
- Make a new datasource — define to your MS SQL server
- Make a new Report – can be with simple query as SELECT * FROM T, do click, click, click in the wizard to get default layout of fields.
- Click PREVIEW button on the left to see report with data from your MS SQL Server.
To start use this new datasource in your application you need just to specify a corresponded string that describes datasource connection string. See details.
[NEW] Valentina Studio – Server Admin – now shows logs of mySQL and PostgreSQL
We have added ability to show log files of mySQL and PostgreSQL in Server Admin of Valentina Studio 5.5.
mySQL have two kinds of logs: as files and stored in the sys tables. File logs can be accessed by SSH connection, sys table logs can be access by SQL commands of mySQL. You can work with both these kinds of mySQL logs now.
postgreSQL also have two kinds of logs: in default format and in CSV format. Native SQL commands of postgreSQL can work with the first format. CSV format logs can be views only via SSH connections. You can work with both these kinds of postgreSQL logs now.
Note that for SSH vstudio opens one more connection to load that log files as from FTP.
See pictures:
Continue reading [NEW] Valentina Studio – Server Admin – now shows logs of mySQL and PostgreSQL
[VStudio][mySQL] Speed improved A LOT! Reading for Constraints
Speed of opening a mySQL database that has ForeignKeys improved a lot!
Few people have report that Valentina Studio 5.3 for them is very very slow on open of a mySQL database. After some investigation we have found that problem comes from simple, legal official commands to mySQL server, which return list of constraints. We need this to build the list of FK of a Table or even of a Database. mySQL is incredibly slow on this operation.
We have take a look on other tools and with wonder we have found that they all use next trick: They ask via “SHOW CREATE TABLE T” the SQL string of “CREATE TABLE” command for a Table T, then they parse it to extract info about constraints.
We even have start implement this way also, but few days later was found that mySQL loose huge time collecting statistic. We have disable flag ‘innodb_stats_on_metadata’ and bingo! Speed becomes as fast as it should be.
So we have add into Valentina Studio ability to disable this flag. Added checkbox into “Add Bookmark” and into “Connect To” dialogs. On default it is ON.
Do not worry, this flag and this statistic have no many sense. We do not understand, why it is enabled on default in mySQL.
You can right now download and test beta build with this improvement: http://www.valentina-db.com/download/beta/5.4b5 or newer.
[VStudio] DataEditor now works much faster with huge tables of mySQL and postgreSQL
Up to now there was trouble in Valentina Studio in Data Editor with huge tables working with mySQL or PostgreSQL, because DataEditor did try load all records at once via client-side cursor. For a Valentina Server database was used server-side cursor, for a local Valentina DB or SQLite also there was no troubles.
Interesting to note, that other manager tools as Navicat, Workbench, … implement own data editors, which work with some sub-set of records (e.g. 4000 records) and user must manually click buttons “Next subset”, “PrevSubset”.
In contrast, we have implement load of records subsets in absolutely transparent for user way. So there is no additional buttons and overall it looks more natural.
Available for download starting from 4.5b5: http://www.valentina-db.com/download/beta/4.5b5
[Imp][VStudio] SQL Dump/Load now can work with 220 encodings
Up to now Valentina Studio was able to work only with UTF8/UTF16 dump files.
We have realize that we can easy plug ICU library into Valentina Studio itself, because Valentina engine and SQLite plugin already use ICU. In result, SQL Dump/Load dialogs now are able to work with dump files using any of supported by ICU encodings. This is about 220 encodings of the world.
Available in Valentina Studio v5.3
[NEW][VStudio] QueryBuilder and Diagrams now do Smart Prompting of related Tables/Links
One more absolutely innovative feature! You will not find such in any other GUI DB Manager! 🙂
When you adding existing tables to:
- a diagram (i.e. you doing reverse engineering), or
- a diagram of Query Builder
usually it is hard remember, which Tables are related to just added table. Especially this is hard if you try understand not your own database schema.
Now Valentina Studio is able to help you with this problem. When you select one or even more tables on diagram, the list of tables shows immediately on the top tables related to selected.
Look on the following example. We have drag the first table ‘film’, and now on the left side you can see tables Related to: film.
Let’s drag the second table ‘film_actor’ and you see list of tables Related to: film_actor. Only one table in this list.
Very easy, yes? 🙂
[NEW][VStudio] Query Builder now supports Undo/Redo commands for most actions
Subject says all. Now you can do cmd+Z/ctrl+Z to undo most actions in QueryBuilder: drag table, move table, select field, type something in the query grid, …
[NEW] Valentina Studio Introduction, 10 min EN on Youtube
[NEW][VStudio] Copy a Record as CSV/SQL text to clipboard
When you are in DataEditor or SQL Editor Result, you can now select a record and open contextual menu for it. Here you will see new commands
- Copy Record as CSV
- Copy Record as SQL
Continue reading [NEW][VStudio] Copy a Record as CSV/SQL text to clipboard