We introduce OS X Preference Pane “ValentinaServers”.
Continue reading [NEW] ValentinaServers OS X Preference Pane
We introduce OS X Preference Pane “ValentinaServers”.
Continue reading [NEW] ValentinaServers OS X Preference Pane
NSTableView class has setDataSource method that allows assign a NSTableDataSource instance to be a data source for that table view.
In v4.8 we have to add VCursorDataSource and VTableDataSource classes that are able to do this job — easy display a cursor or a table into a given NSTableView. As easy as a single line of code:
mCursorDataSource = [[VCursorDataSource alloc] initWithCursor:mCursor view:tvListBox];
Continue reading [V4CC][NEW] DataSource for VCursor and VTable classes.
In v4.8 we adding support of Key Value Coding (KVC) to VCursor and VTable classes.
This is implemented as VCursor (KVC) category with a couple of methods:
@interface VCursor (KVC) // If wrong key is specified then nil is returned. - (id) valueForKey:(NSString *)key; // If wrong key is specified then nothing is changed. - (void) setValue:(id)value forKey:(NSString*)key;
In v4.8 we have implement
a) Enumerators for all V4CC classes where this was possible and
b) for Fields we have provide also FastEnumeration protocol in classes VTable and VCursor, because this is the most often usage case.
Continue reading [V4CC][NEW] Enumerators & FastEnumeration support.
In v4.8 of Valentina for Cocoa we greatly improving support of Cocoa and Obj-C 2.0 features. For this we have add V4CC/sources/cocoa folder, which contains all additional code for this. In such way, we keep very separate standard Valentina ADK API sources and this additional features sources.
Continue reading [V4CC][New] Extended Support of Cocoa and Obj-C Features
Our Valentina Studio project has one Application target and dozen of plugins targets. Plugins are made as bundles.
All these targets build products into the same folder “Debug (Native)” or “Release (Universal)”.
Then Run Scripts do copy plugins into App package and using install_name utility correct install paths for them.
Continue reading OS X Loads DYLIB from App folder ignoring install_path … Oops?
Yesterday I have decide to resolve problem with absolutely not working breakpoints in the XCODE 3.2.3 on OS X 10.6 (may be others also) working with our Valentina Studio project.
In the past we also did have such problems, but not so bad. Breakpoints did work sometimes, in worse case we was able to insert DebugStr(“\p”) into code, and that 100% did stop in the debugger as for app, so fot its plugins and for database engine DYLIBs.
And yesterday I have to see the first time that even DebugStr() do not stops. Wow.
I have spent many hours googling about this problem. And have found few key places.
We introduce our first 64-bit ADKs for MAC OS X:
It is clear that we cannot make V4RB, V4REV and such to be 64-bits because their IDEs do not support this.
Next our step in this direction, will be introduction of 64 bit ADKs for Windows, VSDK, VNET, …
Yesterday I have try to make installer of VPHP_Standalone_x64, which could be our first 64-bit ADK, and have realize that it is not good idea keep in the same /usr/local/lib/vcomponents both 32 and 64 bit DLLs.
Continue reading MAC 64 bits – introducing vcomponents_x64 for ADKs/x64
There is an interesting conversation taking place over on Bob Keeney’s blog regarding REALbasic and the iPhone.
Paradigma Software has had a Valentina Client for the iPhone for almost a year, and while its seen some use, I often feel that just having it has helped bring new customers to use Valentina DB who have no intention of using Valentina for the iPhone.
A lot of folks commenting know REAL Software – the company – very well. Maybe too well. Supporting the iPhone sounds like a monumental task, and you’ve been waiting a long, long time for Cocoa support and that’s likely come at some cost. You don’t want to go through that with iPhone support.
We are happy to introduce, in the release 4.5, the result of our 8 months efforts – Valentina Server 64 bit for 3 platforms (win, mac, linux)!
We have decide to deprecated these two Carbon products in v4.5, which we have developed yet with help of CodeWarrior.
I think for REALbasic developers, this will not a problem, because few years REALbasic is a cocoa application itself, and works with xcode-made plugins.
For Director users, this means that v4.5 of V4MD mac, will not work with Director10, only with D11 and D11.5. If you still use D10, you can use v4.3 of V4MD that can be found here: http://valentina-db.com/download/prev_releases/
Now scripts show dialog to ask for ADMIN password, and execute load/unload of a VSERVER under SUDO.
Thorsten have found that on Snow Leopard VServer crashes if scheduler is enabled.
Problem was in ICU ucal_open() method. It looks that something was changed in the ICU used by 10.6. Now they require 3d parameter LocalName.