[VStudio][Imp] SQLEditor now have not-modal panel to do Find/Replace

We have replaced modal dialog to not modal panel, which appears at the top by CMD+F.  You can find all related commands and shortcuts in the menu Edit.








Also Find-panel added into the result of SQL query. In the search menu for result you can select which columns should be searched.


[VStudio][mySQL] Client library switched from Drizzle to MariaDB

We have made final switch from Drizzle to MariaDB client library for mySQL plugin and mySQL datasource in Valentina Reports.

Thank to this step we have got C client library with totally same API as native mySQL client library and  therefore:

a) Implement support of few results of few commands executed at once.

b) Resolve trouble of some users which have passwords in old format.


Valentina now will try to open read-only dbs in older format

One use of 4.9 Valentina ADK have told us that many his users have databases on DVD in 4,9 format. So if he will try change his app to Valentina 5.0, then how users will be able work with this read-only databases?

To resolve this, we have improve Valentina engine. Now it will make attempt to work with read-only databases in older format as is, without conversion.

Important to note, that this will work fine for 5.x engine opening 4.x databases.

Valentina Studio on Mac App Store

Valentina Studio 5.1 is now available for free through Mac App Store. Valentina Studio 5.1 was recently released with support for SSH, making it your best choice for working with virtual hosting services and the databases you may have stored there.

Valentina Studio on the Mac App Store also has in-app upgrading to Valentina Studio Pro for your convenience.

[ANN] Valentina 5.1 Released

Have gone month after 5.0 release, and we ship one more release – 5.1.

New Features

This release adds three major features:

  • [VKernel][New] SQL command ‘MAIL’ on Valentina kernel level
  • [VStudio][New] SSH connections in Valentina Studio, works from reports also.
  • [VStudio][New] Data Transfer Wizard.

New FREE Feature in VStudio

We make one more feature to be FREE in Valentina Studio!

You can now create and SAVE diagrams  in Valentina Studio (free) 5.1.  Up to now you could only create them but not save, because this was PRO feature.

Besides, you can do reverse engineering – i.e. add existed database objects to diagram. Note, that Navicat Modeler from the Mac App Store, asks 70$ only for this feature.

Forward-engineering remains as feature of Valentina Studio Pro.


Some fixes in ODBC code, to resolve issues in work with ODBC driver of Pervasive database.

Details you can read in Release Notes 5.1


[VStudio][NEW] Support of SSH connects to remote servers

Usually mySQL servers are closed to access from external IPs. Instead mySQL users are used to connect to remote host using SSH tunnel and then connect to mySQL server like from localhost.

We have add into Valentina Studio support of SSH connects to remote hosts. It is clear that it can be used for any remote DB server:  Valentina Server, mySQL or PostgreSQL.

Also we have to push SSH parameters into the connection string of Valentina Reports, so now reports can connect to e.g. remote mySQL server by SSH tunnel also. Read in WIKI.

