Paradigma Software is offering a 25% limited time discount for Valentina Developer Network to Omegabundle for Xojo buyers. Continue reading Buy Omegabundle for Xojo 2014 & Save on Valentina Developer Network
Category: Valentina for REALbasic/Xojo
Video: How to Download and Install Valentina ADK for Xojo/REALbasic on Linux
Lets take a look at how to install and set up Valentina ADKs for Xojo on the Linux platform. With this step-by-step video walk thru, you will learn how to do this, as well as set up your Xojo development environment for database development with the most advanced database for Xojo development and work with remote databases on Valentina Server.
Valentina ADK for Xojo download files include the components for Valentina DB ADK and Valentina Reports ADK. Valentina DB ADK for Xojo lets you embed the ultra-fast, royalty free Valentina Database into your applications. Valentina Reports ADK lets you embed cross-platform reports in your business applications with support for grids, tables, charts, graphs and more; you aren’t limited to only Valentina DB though when it comes to reports. You can use Valentina Reports with MS SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, Postgre and more.
Continue reading Video: How to Download and Install Valentina ADK for Xojo/REALbasic on Linux
Video: How to Download and Install Valentina ADK for Xojo/REALbasic on Windows
How about a step-by-step walk thru of installing Valentina ADK for Xojo / REALbasic ? With this step-by-step video walk thru, you will learn how to do this, as well as set up your Xojo development environment for database development with the most advanced database for Xojo development and work with remote databases on Valentina Server.
Valentina ADK for Xojo / REALbasic download files include both Valentina DB ADK and Valentina Reports ADK. Valentina DB ADK for Xojo lets you embed the ultra-fast, royalty free Valentina Database into your applications. Valentina Reports ADK lets you embed cross-platform reports in your business applications with support for grids, tables, charts, graphs and more.
Continue reading Video: How to Download and Install Valentina ADK for Xojo/REALbasic on Windows
Video: How to Generate Valentina Reports from a Xojo Web Application
Get started with a step-by-step walk thru on how to set up and generate reports using Valentina Reports and the Xojo web application.
Valentina Reports ADK for Xojo lets you embed a complete reports system into your business applications made with Xojo; however more powerful than this is generating reports from Valentina Server, the ultra-fast solution from Paradigma Software, and then displaying them from a Xojo Web application. Continue reading Video: How to Generate Valentina Reports from a Xojo Web Application
Video: How to Download and Install Valentina ADK for Xojo/REALbasic on Mac OS X
How about a step-by-step walk thru of installing Valentina ADK for Xojo / REALbasic ? With this step-by-step video walk thru, you will learn how to do this, as well as set up your Xojo development environment for database development with the most advanced database for Xojo development and work with remote databases on Valentina Server.
Valentina ADK for Xojo / REALbasic download files include both Valentina DB ADK and Valentina Reports ADK. Valentina DB ADK for Xojo lets you embed the ultra-fast, royalty free Valentina Database into your applications. Valentina Reports ADK lets you embed cross-platform reports in your business applications with support for grids, tables, charts, graphs and more. Continue reading Video: How to Download and Install Valentina ADK for Xojo/REALbasic on Mac OS X
[FIX] Valentina for RB/Xojo: Mac + Linux updated the work with pictures
In new Xojo was changed the work with pictures for Mac/Cocoa and Linux.
We have improve plugin “Valentina for REALbasic/Xojo” to support these new formats. This fix affects both normal pictures and preview pictures in Valentina Reports.
Omegabundle 2011 for REAL Studio Developers Extended to 2.14.2011
A group of developer tool makers that support REAL Studio have put together a fantastic bundle of $3200 of pro tools for only $399 – the Omegabundle. This offer lasts only through 2.14.2011 – ie Valentine’s Day. Continue reading Omegabundle 2011 for REAL Studio Developers Extended to 2.14.2011
Paradigma Software Participates in Omegabundle 2011 for REAL Studio
Paradigma Software has joined with a group of professional development tool vendors to produce and release Omega Bundle 2011 for the REAL Studio environment. This limited time package contains $3200 worth of tools but available in this set for $399 – over 80% savings.
Continue reading Paradigma Software Participates in Omegabundle 2011 for REAL Studio
REAL SQL Server To Leave REAL; Time to Switch to Valentina
I was not entirely surprised to read on the REALbasic NUG that REAL SQL Server would no longer be a REAL Software product but would go back to its original developer, SQLabs. Even with the bundling options available with REALbasic, a database product that cannot differentiate itself cannot survive. Now there is even a special offer for disenfranchised REAL SQL Server users until October 10, 2010. Continue reading REAL SQL Server To Leave REAL; Time to Switch to Valentina
[NEW][API] Valentina.CopyCursorToNewTable()
We introduce a new utility method Valentina.CopyCursorToNewTable(), which is able to save you hundreds of lines of advanced code in your ADK-based applications. This method added into major Valentina ADKs.
You can read detailed description of this new method here.
REALbasic, the iPhone and Valentina DB
There is an interesting conversation taking place over on Bob Keeney’s blog regarding REALbasic and the iPhone.
Paradigma Software has had a Valentina Client for the iPhone for almost a year, and while its seen some use, I often feel that just having it has helped bring new customers to use Valentina DB who have no intention of using Valentina for the iPhone.
A lot of folks commenting know REAL Software – the company – very well. Maybe too well. Supporting the iPhone sounds like a monumental task, and you’ve been waiting a long, long time for Cocoa support and that’s likely come at some cost. You don’t want to go through that with iPhone support.
V4RB.rbx plugin now contains COCOA version.
This means that you should be able to use V4RB 4.5 in your cocoa applications made with REALbasic.
V4RB/V4MD Carbon deprecated in v4.5
We have decide to deprecated these two Carbon products in v4.5, which we have developed yet with help of CodeWarrior.
I think for REALbasic developers, this will not a problem, because few years REALbasic is a cocoa application itself, and works with xcode-made plugins.
For Director users, this means that v4.5 of V4MD mac, will not work with Director10, only with D11 and D11.5. If you still use D10, you can use v4.3 of V4MD that can be found here:
REALbasic, Valentina and 2010
So what is REALbasic support going to be like for Valentina in 2010? Continue reading REALbasic, Valentina and 2010