REALbasic, the iPhone and Valentina DB

There is an interesting conversation taking place over on Bob Keeney’s blog regarding REALbasic and the iPhone.

Paradigma Software has had a Valentina Client for the iPhone for almost a year, and while its seen some use, I often feel that just having it has helped bring new customers to use Valentina DB who have no intention of using Valentina for the iPhone.

A lot of folks commenting know REAL Software – the company – very well. Maybe too well. Supporting the iPhone sounds like a monumental task, and you’ve been waiting a long, long time for Cocoa support and that’s likely come at some cost. You don’t want to go through that with iPhone support.

Continue reading REALbasic, the iPhone and Valentina DB

VCursor Now Can UpdateRecord() of JOINs !!!

It is well known that Valentina offers to developer a very reach ADK API (about 1000 methods) in contrast to poor API of most dbs (e.g. near to 25 in mySQL).

One of nice feature is the ability to use VCursor class methods to MODIFY records of ServerSide & ReadWrite cursor. But for years we did have limit here: cursor can be ReadWrite only for single table SELECT. In the release 4.5 we remove this limitation! Now you can do UpdateRecord() and DropRecord() for cursors built over INNER JOIN of N tables!

Continue reading VCursor Now Can UpdateRecord() of JOINs !!!

Deprecated Convert_1_2() feature.

Also we are dropping Convert_1_2() feature of Valentina engine from 2.0 version to allow developers convert existed v1 databases. If somebody yet need convert v1 database to 2.0 format, he should use at first v4.3 for this task.

This function is removed from all Valentina ADKs and VStudio, DLL of VDK V1 engine  is removed from the vcomponents folder.

V4RB/V4MD Carbon deprecated in v4.5

We have decide to deprecated these two Carbon products in v4.5, which we have developed yet with help of CodeWarrior.

I think for REALbasic developers, this will not a problem, because few years REALbasic is a cocoa application itself, and works with xcode-made plugins.

For Director users, this means that v4.5 of V4MD mac, will not work with Director10, only with D11 and D11.5. If you still use D10, you can use v4.3 of V4MD that can be found here:

A Valuable Adobe Director Resource to Close

Long time community supporter Martin Schaefer announced in a public letter that he was going to shut down or transform and provides a valuable news and community source for developers that use Adobe Director to produce standalone and web / shockwave based applications. He goes into some greater detail about his background in Director development. Continue reading A Valuable Adobe Director Resource to Close

Valentina for Revolution Supports Now “*b” in the SQL Binding.

Working with Trevore Devore we have found that V4REV do not understand Binary Values if pass them into array of binds.

Problem is that external get array of MCstrings which contain {char*, len}. So external cannot differ strings from binaries.

Solution is like in REV DB. Developer must use prefix “*b” for array items, which contain binary values.
put 1 into binds[1]
put str into binds[2]
put binaryValue into binds[“*b3”]

VREV external now is able to analyze names of array and found binary values.

Two new Video Tutorials about ODBC datasource setup.

We have add 2 news video tutorials EN. One for MAC and one for WIN about how to setup ODBC datasource around Valentina ODBC driver.

These lessons can be helpful to setup ODBC data source for other dbs also, e.g. MySQL or MS Access, if you want import from then into Valentina using
Valentina Studio ODBC data import.

And lesson about this import from ODBC is our next lesson, which is in the work.

Valentina for iPhone becomes free for use with release 4.2!

With 4.2 release we make Valentina for iPhone (iV4CC), which currently is VClient only, totally free for download and use. Of course you should have a license of a Valentina Server.

Note, that now you can easy download iV4CC and VServer Office archive with DEMO license, develop and test application on both Simulator and iPhone Device.