I was not entirely surprised to read on the REALbasic NUG that REAL SQL Server would no longer be a REAL Software product but would go back to its original developer, SQLabs. Even with the bundling options available with REALbasic, a database product that cannot differentiate itself cannot survive. Now there is even a special offer for disenfranchised REAL SQL Server users until October 10, 2010. Continue reading REAL SQL Server To Leave REAL; Time to Switch to Valentina
Author: Lynn
Welcome VistaDB .net Developers to Valentina DB
We recently heard that the company that owns VistaDB, a .net focused database system, has closed their office in Florida and looking for ways to sell off their database product. Paradigma Software invites VistaDB developers to give Valentina DB ADK.net a try – along with a 50% discount if purchased before September 1, 2010.
All you have to do if you are a VistaDB user is to order Valentina DB ADK for .net before September 1, 2010, and insert “VistaDB: YOUR SERIAL CODE” into the customer notes field to save 50% – get this ADK for only $99.95.
Renew Before Expiration for Discounted Pricing
Last year, Paradigma Software announced a grace period to go along with changes to the upgrade policy. The grace period on updates will finish on July 1, 2010. Each purchase or update of a Valentina DB product includes 12 months of free updates including any fixes, improvements and new features.
Continue reading Renew Before Expiration for Discounted Pricing
REALbasic, the iPhone and Valentina DB
There is an interesting conversation taking place over on Bob Keeney’s blog regarding REALbasic and the iPhone.
Paradigma Software has had a Valentina Client for the iPhone for almost a year, and while its seen some use, I often feel that just having it has helped bring new customers to use Valentina DB who have no intention of using Valentina for the iPhone.
A lot of folks commenting know REAL Software – the company – very well. Maybe too well. Supporting the iPhone sounds like a monumental task, and you’ve been waiting a long, long time for Cocoa support and that’s likely come at some cost. You don’t want to go through that with iPhone support.
A Valuable Adobe Director Resource DirectorForums.com to Close
Long time community supporter Martin Schaefer announced in a public letter that he was going to shut down or transform directorforums.com. Directorforums.com and Directorforums.de provides a valuable news and community source for developers that use Adobe Director to produce standalone and web / shockwave based applications. He goes into some greater detail about his background in Director development. Continue reading A Valuable Adobe Director Resource DirectorForums.com to Close
REALbasic, Valentina and 2010
So what is REALbasic support going to be like for Valentina in 2010? Continue reading REALbasic, Valentina and 2010
Keeping Up to Date on Valentina
Customers who have worked with Valentina know that it pays to keep up to date on releases. The development team is hard at work on Valentina release 4.2. There are few ways to keep up on new releases. Continue reading Keeping Up to Date on Valentina