Paradigma Software announces Valentina Release 7.5.9, which includes fixes and improvements across all products, including Valentina Studio, Valentina ADKs and more.
Valentina Studio
[Fix] 8164 Save and restore the size of the Edit Query dialog
[Fix] 8166 Fix opening the SQL Server database with Cyrillic symbols in name [Windows]
[Fix] 8167[MSSQL] Fix showing the image returned by the SQL Server
[Fix] 8169[Report Editor] “Sort by Fields” dialog works only for 2 fields, but not 3, 4, …
[Fix] 8171[PostgreSQL] Fix Data Editor Layout saving for PostgreSQL table
Valentina Reports
[Fix] 8179 Date formatting in the Expression control outputs only time for $F() macro [Valentina]
Valentina DB
Valentina PHP
[Imp][Linux] added extension compiled for PHP 7.2
Some modest updates are otherwise not documented but fix some persistent issues.
All product updates are available for immediate download from the Paradigma Software download site.
See the original announcement on the Valentina Forum.