Also improves working with PostgreSQL and SQLite databases, available on macOS, Linux and Windows.
Valentina Studio / Pro
- [New] 8114 – “File…” menu now has a new item “Open File…” to open .sql files directly in SQL Editor
- [Imp] 8105[Data Editor] – Ability to set NULL value for multiple records
- [Fix] 8063 – “Links” in “Generate SQL → Create” for table (ActionGenerateSQLCreateHandler)
- [Fix] 8093[Query Log] – Sort by time
- [Fix] 8113[Query Editor] – Problem when Query Editor is opened for closed database
- [Fix] 8115[PostgreSQL] – Refreshing the PostgreSQL schema or database objects changing the text of all views to the default (SELECT 1)
- [Fix] 8117[DataEditor][SQLite] – Work with big integer values in DataEditor and SQLite table
- [Fix] 8126[PostgreSQL] – Fix reindex action of PostgreSQL table
- [Fix][PostgreSQL] – Error on getting PostgreSQL 10 sequence properties.
Valentina DB (advanced, object-relational NoSQL database)
- [Imp][SQL] – MERGE command now works with VIEW
Valentina C ADK
- [Fix] 8108 – Added VServer_Free()
All product updates are now available for download from the Paradigma Software download site. Comment on the original announcement