Video: How to Download and Install Valentina ADK for LiveCode on Linux

LiveCode, Linux and ValentinaLiveCode is an excellent tool for developing on Linux, and Paradigma Software has both Valentina Reports ADK for LiveCode and Valentina DB ADK for LiveCode available to build powerful business  applications with LiveCode. Check out how to get started with this combination of tools.

Valentina Reports ADK lets you embed cross-platform reports in your business applications with support for grids, tables, charts, graphs and more; you aren’t limited to only Valentina DB though when it comes to reports. You can use Valentina Reports with MS SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, Postgre and more.

In this walk-thru, you will see step-by-step how to get started with Valentina and  LiveCode development.

  • How to download exactly what you need from the Paradigma Software website
  • How to install the Valentina ADK archive (which includes both Valentina DB and Valentina Reports) onto your computer
  • How to add the Valentina ADK plugin to your LiveCode environment
  • How to make sure the Valentina ADK plugin is installed correctly in LiveCode with a test application
  • How to add a control that initiates or starts up the Valentina Client
  • How to add code that shuts down the Valentina Client
  • How to open/close a connection from your LiveCode application to Valentina Server
  • How to check a connection to Valentina Server using LOG files
  • How to add additional code within the scope of your Valentina Client connection
  • How to add some SQL SELECT code to SELECT a few records and display them
  • How to add some SQL SELECT code to SELECT a few records from Valentina Server
  • How to work with records in JSON format

You can see this new movie How to Download and Install Valentina ADK for LiveCode on Linux [8.5 minutes] on Youtube.

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Lynn Fredricks is president of Paradigma Software, Incorporated.